Friday, March 23, 2007

Drink and Draw Social Club Vol. 1

Check it out, this is a group of pros that got together for drinks and drew on a bunch of napkins and made a book out of it, its genius! I love it. you can get it at

It made me try some of those colored paper drawings (Something I've never done), similar to drawing on post-its its great fun!


Dapper Dan said...

Amazing work all over this blog! Kudos to the flow and line work. Cheers

Sedyas said...

Fantastic work, Tom!
I`m happy for find this blog.

pbcbstudios said...

awesome drawings!

did you catch the show of the drink and draw club at meltdown? really great stuff.

tomnel said...

Thanks folks, much appreciated. just trying to keep it loose.

pbcbstudios I didn't know about the show. hope to catch the next one.